Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Direct Competitors of BestJuice Limited Free Essay Example, 5000 words

The fresh fruit juice customers are more conscious about their health and wellness. In addition, most customers do not price-sensitive when it comes to products touching their wellness. Finally, fresh fruit customers take at least 250ml of fresh fruit juice when they visit a juice store. Residents with families or dependants purchase at least 500ml of fresh juice per serving. The primary customers for BestJuice Limited are people above the age of thirty years who comprise of about 53 percent of Halifax population. This is because the chosen population segment is health-conscious and will not hesitate to purchase products that will boost their health and retard premature aging. Fresh fruit market segment is a growing segment attracting new entrants annually. Higher operating profits, increasing market, and low initial capital requirements are some of the factors that have made the segment attractive to venture. Direct Competitors of BestJuice Limited includes Smoothies and Juice bar, Gin and Juice, Frootique, Booster Juice Bar, Juice eh! and Orange Julius. Most of the above companies are national players and have developed over time. They have established their own customer base from many years in operation. We will write a custom essay sample on Direct Competitors of BestJuice Limited or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now However, in the food court mall where BestJuice Limited intends to establish its business, there are no direct competitors. The first competitor is found two hundred meters away from the mall. Indirect competitors are supermarkets, departmental stores, convenience stores, and food and beverage stores selling similar products. Though they are numerous in Canada, they do not pose direct competition because they largely sell flavored juices. After working in the food industry for over two years, the Assem discovered that most people are turning to organic foods especially fruits and fresh fruit juices due to health and wellness concerns. Most customers who visited the restaurant in Halifax where BestJuice Limited owner worked were always disappointed when they could not find fresh fruit juices.

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